Tuesday, November 27, 2018

RE: Bond of Blood (trial)


The link below is for a Bond of Blood reboot pitch. You play as the main heroine as she talks to NPCs in her family's hotel. (There are no battles here or hentai scenes.) There is all new dialog, which both gives new insight while also making the story line less convoluted. I've removed a few redundant characters, while adding a few new exciting ones.

Although I feel this reboot is a great improvement, I have not yet applied it to the master game file. So if you play the reboot trial I would appreciate it if you left comments as to if you enjoy the reboot trial more, or prefer the current BoB story line.

Thank you.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Version 12.5 is up for Patreon supporters!

Supporter build v12.5
[Angie's level]
*Reduced the number of item boxes and corpses top side. Added more in the sewers.*

*Allowed the player to recover energy and advance to the next day by pressing the up 
arrow on the bed in Angie's room.

*The scenario can be cleared! With 1 good ending and 4 bad endings. (Although the level 
is complete in a sense. A bit more content will be added to it in the near future.)

[custom guy's level]
*Fixed a crazy bug that caused Angie's idle animation to appear as Kenji's. (wtf?)

[Wendy's 3rd level]
*Disabled Gwen, who is still a work in progress. 

[Yong's scenario] 
*If you married Ushi you can now request the cowgirl desire from her.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Bond of Blood build v12 is out now for Patreon supporters

Bond of Blood build v12 is now out for Patreon supporters!

*Rewrote Kayo's hotel dialog so she no longer breaks the 4th wall.
*Added Angie as a playable character in the Park Hotel.
*Created Angie's scenario, which is about 80% complete. While you can't
sleep in her bed to advance to the next day, you can make use of the
'rewind icon' to reset your progress. In this manner you can demo Angie's
level. (You save file and progress on other levels is unaffected.)

And there you go. While it might not appear like much, I have been slaving away on this for well over 45 days. So please enjoy it. The other 20% of the stage will be completed in the near future.
For the next build the main (but not only) focus will be on finally allowing Yong to advance to the next game day, regardless of who we married. This will be a huge undertaking but I know everyone is looking forward to it.
If you enjoy the game and/or you think you have discovered a bug, be sure to let me know. Thank you.

p.s. There isn't a new public demo this month, but one should be out next month. Thank you.

p.p.s. Greetings. I was made aware of a few bugs so I want to put out a ver. 12.5 soon. However, this is also a good time to allow more progression on Angie's level. Or perhaps even complete it. I aim to do this within the next 48 hours. Thank you.